I am happy to announce the launch of a new website for our newest client – Silver Maple Ventures Inc. I’d like to hear what everyone thinks. http://www.silvermapleventures.ca/
Silver Maple Ventures Inc. is involved in the exciting and rapidly emerging Equity Crowd Funding space that is currently capturing global interest.

Silver Maple Ventures Inc., is an Exempt Market Dealer (EMD) registered in the provinces of BC, Alberta, and Ontario. As an EMD, Silver Maple is unique, in that it has received approval from the BC Securities Commission to develop an online Equity Crowdfunding Portal. Today British Columbia is the only Province (or State for that matter) that true equity crowd funding is legal. Equity Crowd Funding (ECF) has been going for years in the UK, several countries in continental Europe and Australia. This disruptive industry is expected to come on strong here in North America over the coming years.
Our creative team’s goal was to forge something ‘new and striking’ in an industry that has eyes on it from many different perspectives. Clean lines were used for the ‘silver maple leaf’ logo with muted colors to achieve the desired look. This treatment then became the foundation for the current impressively realistic SVM logo with a 3D look.
Along with the branding we knew the look and feel had to be responsive and cutting edge. We used a relatively new feature now used in high end web design called ‘parallax scrolling’ to achieve the dramatic image scroll technique of the home page. The feature allows a user to got forward and back with elements of the web site behaving as if one were ‘rolling back the video’. We carried this design to mobile and tablet devices with responsive programing that will ensure that Silver Maple Ventures looks spectacular no matter what device the user is viewing the website on. We carried the creative theme through to their social accounts like Facebook and Twitter.

The ‘engine’ that powers Silver Maple Ventures called for state of the art. We used our own OneBigBroadcast.com – an ‘all in one’ cloud powered content marketing platform that melds content, social, SEO, communities and commerce into and emanating one central spot. With the vast array of social marketing & SEO integration Silver Maple Ventures is empowered to take their marketing message to the next level using what we call Ground Zero Marketing principles.
What’s next? Content | Communities | Commerce. Our integrated communities provide companies with the horsepower to harness communities while broadcasting their content across social and the rest of the Internet to attract savvy investors. Stakeholders in the equity crowd funding space want to bet on more than a T-shirt or product when the invested company gets acquired for billions! That’s ultimately what equity crowd funding is all about while the companies attracting funding will have access to their own social and SEO marketing tools via their corporate profiles to further enhance their company’s online foot print.