- 130 Family Farms spread across the Province Of British Columbia
- 3.4 million hens
- 60 million eggs*
BC Egg has been a multi project exercise combining innovation, creative, social networking, SEO and ongoing promotion.
Over the last year here are the highlights on some very innovative projects:
Imagine harnessing a team of experts across the organization for content, expertise and knowledge with a central publishing dash board to approve edit, improve and shcedule publishing.

Project touch points:
- Creative design and navigation
- All in one Content Creation & Marketing engine
- Private Social Network
- Member Profiles, bulk image, uploads
- Member blog tools with social API*
- Classified*
- Article tools*
- *all content held in admin staging are for edits and approval.
- Secure gateway into real time financial portal created by IBM (see Case Study created by IBM - http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/38085.wss )
Private Social Network and Portal Into Financial Portal Created By IBM & Featured - Smart Planet BC Egg.
IBM Press Release - http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/38085.wss
Click here to see presentation we created for world tour showing of BC Egg integration at IBM presentations all over the globe

Project touch points:
- Creative design and navigation
- Content Creation and marketing engine
- Scheduler and team input
- Multi team blog engine
- Events engine
- Social news delivery, image/message adjustments
- Pinterest tool
- Self generating galleries combined with key content
- Knowledge bank building tools
web site - www.bcegg.com

Project touch points:
- Integrate creative design and navigation provided by DDB
- Built money build up generation 'clock' for BC Egg and Eggonomics length of campaign.
- Content Creation and marketing engine
- Analytics
web site - Eggonomics