Why Great Creative, Navigation and Branding are now a necessity.

Never before has your company’s web site’s first impression been more important.
If people land on your site and it looks old, outdated or they just plain don’t like it – they leave and most times won’t return.
Google rewards sites that have good navigation and design with higher organic search rankings because they stay longer and navigate deeper. Compare that to a poorly designed web site. People simply land on the site and leave within seconds because of its look.
Google further penalizes these site by placing them far down on the organic search list. The theory is that a website that appears high in a certain search engine key phrase shouldn't be there if people are leaving so Google moves the site lower in search engine position.
Moral - you'd better look good, have great navigation experience and give people what they want.
Translated - Your brand needs to keep up with the times just like your content marketing!
One Big Broadcast prides itself on its ability to provide full service branding and creative. . Our parent company WebStager Digital Media has an entire team of global award winning designers that can learn your goals and help transform your brand. Combined with our marketing automation platform that’s a winning combination.
Why not talk to us about your own social strategy combined with branding and creative. Contact us and lets share some ideas on social integration, branding, creative and everything working together.
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