NEW - Small screen smart phones are all around us. Companies need mobile apps now. Now you can deliver mobile apps in minutes complete with QR codes for instant mobile marketing.
We've got your smart phone experience covered. In just minutes you can create applications for instant delivery to iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc using our MOBILE EASY SWITCH. Our mobile platform is so smart that it can even detect a mobile browser and re-configure your application to look the way you designed it - for a smaller screen. Once complete the application creates your QR code image for instant delivery to your eager base.
Mobile devices are everywhere. Now just about every man, woman and child has some form of mobile device. They are either texting, talking or some kind of Internet activity. What’s more, once people have a taste of what mobile is capable they want more. Smart phone usage is multiplying. As people’s mobile contracts expire they are upgrading to more powerful devices – and they are all online.
People are now using mobile devices more than ever. Have a look at anyone crossing the street or walking on the sidewalk anywhere on the planet. They are texting, talking, reading their emails or surfing the web – and they want more.
A recent survey conducted by Google indicated that although search was on the rise, search after 6PM consists largely by mobile users - smartphone users looking for something specific and mobile.
In the coming times ahead, most of the information you share, most of the advertising you read, most of the messages you send, most of the music you listen to and live entertainment you view will transit through your cell phone, smart phone, iPhone, or some kind of mobile device like the iPad.
As we become more and more ‘untethered’ from the constraints of an office environment, opportunities are emerging for using mobile as an additional platform for promoting the enhancement of your digital marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, generate leads and win sales.
OneBigBroadcast has mobile covered.
We are bringing the EASY SWITCH to updating your brand while enhancing your mobile experience in an integrated approach to the overall OneBigBroadcast experience.
Talk to us about your goals.