Bankok Anti-Aging Center

Asia's leading Regenerative Medicine
Group of Centers

Unlock your health profile



For guests of the Pathumwan Princess Hotel

Bangkok Anti Aging Center (BAAC)
(located on the 8th floor of the Pathumwan Princess Hotel)
 will assist you in understanding your 
current health profile

For $79 USD ($400 USD value)
You will receive:
-    A Full bio/body scan, 
-    Blood test / live blood analysis 
& doctor consultation 

It all begins here, at the Pathumwan Princess Hotel (8th floor), 
with our initial testing & consultation 
overseen by BAAC’s ‘in house’ doctors & staff

BACC Medical team

BAAC has delivered ‘targeted’ testing & therapies 
for over 10 years
serving ~ 15,000 clients 
Treating each with dignity and respect.

After testing & at the consultation stage
we will address any issues that may have become apparent as a result of your tests. 
As well, our MD’s will discuss therapies designed to 
 fortify & enhance your health and vitality - that may be of further interest to you.

To schedule this initial testing & consultation (at $79 USD) please complete your contact information below:


BAAC procedures, developed in response to years of meaningful interaction with clients are listed here:
With our top 8 most frequently administered applications briefly detailed.

For more information related to testing and therapies
Please talk to the doctor during your consultation

(1) Hormone check up male and female (Cost $260 US)

Hormones are very important for bodily functions, wellness, stamina and libido. From BAAC’s male and female hormone check-up programs, we can thoroughly see the whole picture of your hormone levels which includes thyroid hormones, male sex hormones, female sex hormones, stress hormone, growth hormone and so on. Appropriate therapies can then be crafted and administered. 

(2) Stem Cell Therapy (Cost - Individual specific - 45% off - for Hotel Guests)

Stem cells can divide into more stem cells or can become any type of cell in the body.  
Stem cells can be guided into becoming specific cells that can then be used in the body  to regenerate and repair tissues that have been damaged or affected by diseases.

(3) NK Cell Therapy 

Natural killer cells can rapidly kill multiple cancer cells and remove them from the body. 

(4) Cancer Vaccine  

The “personalized cancer vaccine” is designed to delay or hinder the growth of cancer cells, reduces the size of malignant tumor, prevents the chance of cancer recurrence, or destroy cancer cells that were not killed by other treatment methods, such as surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

(5) NAD+ therapy (Cost $330 US - for Hotel guest only)
Normally - $550 US

One of the most popular regenerative therapies ‘in the world’ (for anti-aging properties)! - NAD+ plays a key role in mitochondrial function, rejuvenating the cells in your body. It is involved in many cellular functions including metabolism, DNA repair, chromatin remodelling and immune cell function. 
Most of our clients experience immediate rejuvenation after NAD+ therapy. 

(6) Colon hydrotherapy (Cost $135 US) 

The gut has more nerves than our brain. Detoxifying your gut will helps with immune function, digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as the prevention of colon cancer. Colon hydrotherapy will cleanse your colon providing immediate relieve, this is very suitable for people with questionable ‘bowel habits’ and constipation. 

(7) Perimenopause and Testosterone therapy for hypogonadism, andropause (Cost - individual specific)

BAAC also provides tailored hormone therapies based on your individual health profile. 
We use high quality supplements, BHRT hormone creams, testosterone injections. 
If you are suffering from irregular menstruation, hair loss, mood swings, hot flush, lack of energy, brain fog, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation etc; BAAC hormone therapies may be the best choice for you.  

(8) Intravascular (IV) therapies (Cost $165 US)

BAAC provides ‘IV’ therapies according to your needs, for example to boost your immunity, to detoxify your liver, to brighten your skin, to chelate heavy metals, even to ‘freshen up’ from a hangover. 

Further Tests & Therapies from BAAC

- Placenta Extract Therapy 
- Telomere Testing
- Ozone Therapy
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Vascular Therapy
- Micronutrients Checkup
- Genetic Testing
- Organic Acids Urine
- Food Intolerance Testing
- Immune Booster- Wellness Checkup Program 
- Hormonal Hair Loss Solution
- Thyroid Hormonal Check up
- Hormonal Checkup
- Cancer Rehab
- NK Cell Therapy